TurfPro is completely safe for use around your children and pets, both inside your
home and on your lawn or garden. Our product is verified to use in organic growing by WSDA. The gentle nutrition of TurfPro will NEVER burn or
otherwise harm your lawn, flowers, fruits or vegetables.
The full spectrum biology of TurfPro, delivered through either a root drench or a
foliar spray application enables your plants to accelerate nutrient uptake and more
efficiently use necessary trace elements and essential acids. This reduces the
necessity of strong synthetic fertilizers that contribute to ground water pollution and
damage to our precious aquifer, lakes and streams.
TurfPro contains many Biologically active compounds, including numerous
beneficial Bacillus and phenolic acids which have a demonstrated ability to
enhance your plant’s natural disease resistance. Additionally, many toxins are
inhibited or completely neutralized by TurfPro’s naturally pure humic acids and
unique biology. This further “Greens” the environment by eliminating the need for
pesticides and other harmful chemical applications.
In summary, using TurfPro results in healthy soil, healthy soil biology, which
reduces the need for harmful synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, while producing
strong, vibrant plants that are resistant to disease and insect attacks.